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Tarakaipa Island

Tarakaipa is one of the largest islands in Tennyson Inlet. It was named after the Ngāti Apa tipuna Tarakaipa, a great-grandson of Tamahau and son of Rawaru. Tarakaipa was an important rangatira who was among the leaders of an early migration to Te Tauihu. He arrived in Te Tauihu on the sacred waka Te Awatea, built from a hull of the Kurahaupō waka. Tarakaipa is also the name of a hapū of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō.

Tarakaipa was an important mahinga mātaitai (fishing area) for Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, providing access to important moki and elephant fish breeding grounds.

The island contained a pā and kāinga/fishing station complex associated with these activities. It still contains a number of urupā and other spiritual sites that are connected to Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō people.